Foxy's Without Foxy
Has anybody ever thought of a Foxy's without Foxy? At first, I didn't understand the appeal of a bar with dirty, mildewed shirts hanging everywhere, a place where it seemed more people hung out in the gift shop then the actual bar. The beach with the endless supply of dying dinghy's. It all just seemed the opposite of what you think of when you think of island hopping in the caribbean. Then one day I actually met Foxy. I had probably been there a 50 times and never met him. Foxy makes Foxy's. He is all about love, and with 500 kids legend has it, to prove it. He always has a joke. A special song just for you. He wants most of all for his tiny island to have a future. He goes as far to say that he wants not only better schools on the island, but a university. He talks about agriculture and minimizing the human foot print. So as somone who has seen Foxy's without Foxy, I fear for Jost if his passions are not carried on.